Sunday, 16 October 2016

T2 Tea Review...

T2 sent me a whole bundle of goodies to review! 

T2 are a tea company who sells all kinds of tea and also tea-ware.

But they have an edge to them, they do the craziest flavours and the most beautiful tea-ware collections! They do flavours such as creme brulee, watermelon, chilli and so much more!
 I was very excited to hear from them as I follow their Instagram and always lust over their products.

They sent the most amazing and useful items.

This includes...

1 Infuser
1 Tea Cup
1 Tea Pot
1 Tea Flask
and 5 different boxes of tea! 
That's around 200 cups of tea. I think I'm sorted for life!

They sent the best flavours too! Strawberries and cream, peppermint, chamomile and lavender, chai and choc chip chai!

Some traditional flavours and some that aren't so heard of. I couldn't wait to try them all out and that's what I've been doing the past few days using all the lovely items they sent with the tea!

Let me tell you a bit more about the flavours and what I thought of the taste!

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams is a blend of chamomile, apple, silver lime flower and lavender.
One thing I really love about the T2 packaging is that it has easy to understand instructions, it tells you whether you can have it hot or cold and any ingredients you could add too! 

All the teas that I have been sent are loose leaf teas (not in teabags).

What does it taste like?

I already knew I liked the taste of chamomile tea. Chamomile is very sweet and floral.
It was the lavender I was cautious of as lavender gives me very intense migraines. I haven't had anything with lavender in for many years now and whenever I'm shopping for bath products or anything beauty related I always ask Lush which of their products are lavender free. So I was a bit worried to try it but ya know you gotta do it for the blog!
I hadn't made this aware to T2 either so it was my own fault.

To my surprise I didn't get a migraine! Not even a headache, I had a cup just as I got into bed and it took me a little while to fall asleep but I did sleep two hours earlier than my usual 4am so it's a start and when I did manage to get to sleep I slept well. 

I did find it to be a little weak following the instructions on the box but that's just my personal taste, I like my tea strong.

You can buy this tea here!

Peppermint Tea

Another classic. I love anything mint flavoured or scented. I knew I'd be a fan of this and I was right. It's my favourite out of all of them! 
This literally contains peppermint and nothing else and you can have it hot or chilled.

What does it taste like?

I tried this tea first thing in the morning, I used my flask and took it to work with me. Usually I'm like a zombie when I walk into work. As I can never sleep till early hours I always struggle to get up. Definitely not a morning person so I was excited to see if this would wake me up a bit.
I presumed it would just be refreshing and the hit of peppermint would energise me.
I was correct. I definitely was able to concentrate more that morning. I found it VERY minty but not TOO minty. It was soothing and refreshing. 
Of course a couple of hours later I did find my energy levels dropped from working but I topped up and had a second mug of peppermint tea and it helped me get through the last half of my shift.
And now this is 100% becoming part of my morning routine.

Buy it here!

Strawberries and Cream

Anyone else think it looks like granola? I just wanted to eat it. Haha!
I was really excited to try this one, I couldn't imagine what a dessert flavoured tea would be like.

What did it taste like?

I opted to trying this hot. It was definitely stronger than the other teas. It was extremely sweet but I have a sweet tooth and I really like desserts so I enjoyed it. I do think it's very similar to the hot drinks you make when you have a cold so maybe its an acquired taste.
I'd really like to try this chilled as I think I might enjoy it even more as an iced tea!

I probably wouldn't have this daily but maybe as a treat every so often when I fancy something sweet! I'm very glad I discovered it. One to tempt people with when they come round for a brew.

This is not for the lactose intolerant !!

Treat yourself to this tea here!

Choc Chip Chai

A blend of black tea, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, orange flowers and ginkgo leaves.
I was looking forward to trying this and bringing it into my autumn winter lifestyle.

What did it taste like?

I was intrigued to see what the choc chip would taste like. It certainly smelt strong in the packet and I couldn't smell any sort of chocolate scent but actually it was very sweet and aromatic. Exactly like it says on the packaging. 
The only thing I expected was for it to really warm me up because chai tea is known for it's warming abilities hence why it's so popular in winter but with this one I didn't particularly find that.
It tasted really nice though! A lovely treat for over Christmas and the festive season! Perfect mix of spicy and sweet!

Grab one here!


Similar to the choc chip chai this is a blend of black tea, cloves, cardamon, star anise, cinnamon pieces and ginger.
A very strong scent! I immediately think of Christmas when I think of chai tea so I was happy to see this in my collection.
What does it taste like?

Well...funny story. I used my flask today to take my chai tea to work. I was in a hurry and quickly made up the flask and left the house. It wasn't until I got to work that I realised I had forgotten my flask! I only live about 5 minutes away but I was just about running on time so I felt annoyed with myself but these things happen.
The manager was so so lovely and told me to run home and just grab it so I pegged it back because ya know...chai tea is important!!
I had raved about it to all my colleagues and then one of the ladies who is pregnant asked to try some. I poured us both a cup and said 'You're going to love it!'
We both took a gulp at the same time...and immediately both of us ran to the sink to spit it out. It tasted of nothing but clove, it was like drinking paint stripper and I instantly thought 'This can't be right, I've done something wrong, surely?' 

That's when I remembered the packaging...great with honey and milk. I had forgot the milk!! So this was just chai and water, so I added milk.
But still, it just didn't taste right. I was a little disappointed presuming that the tea just wasn't very nice to my taste buds anymore. 
Then I thought maybe I'm used to chai lattes and it should just be milk, no water? 

It wasn't until I got home that I realised it said 'brew for 2-4 minutes'. I had literally left the strainer in the flask the WHOLE time, which means it was constantly infusing for 5 hours. No wonder it was so strong!!!

It was a big massive fat fail on my behalf. 

So this morning I just made of mug of tea using my mini strainer, used hot milk and some water, added honey and made a latte and infused for only 2 minutes and my was beautiful. I had clearly done everything wrong the first time. So please don't let my story put you off. If I could describe it in three words...tastes like Christmas.

Now I feel like I need to profusely apologise to my poor friend. I made a pregnant lady drink clove water :') oh my goodness. I'm sure she will forgive me and we can laugh back at it in a few days.... maybe. Hahaha!

I had bigged it up so much as well. LOL!

Oh well, these things happen. Now that I have perfected the chai latte I can make them for my family over crimbo.
I'm surprised this didn't happen with the choc chip chai? I used water and a splash of milk for that one but it tasted great. Must have been the cloves! 

Try it yourself here!

Now on to my tea tools!

My Flask

Lesson one: Remember to take out the infuser if it's a strong tea.

This flask is friggin amazing! I made up my disastrous chai at 5.50pm. I got home at 11.00pm and it was still boiling hot. Over 5 hours later, now THAT is impressive! 
It obviously does it's job very well.

This is stainless steel and so it also does a great job of keeping iced teas cold as well. And something else I love is that if it's a hot beverage or cold, the outside of the flask still stays room temperature so your hands don't burn or freeze! Perfect.

I like that you can take the top lid off to drink through and it has a filter so that the tea leaves don't come through into your mouth but you can also just pour it into a cup.

I like that the infuser is removable if you don't need it and easily dismantled to make it easier to clean.

Really great staple item for my kitchen equipment cupboard! 

You can get your own here!

Tea Infuser

A very handy tool indeed and an essential for loose leaf tea. I had only ever tried tea in teabags and so I wasn't entirely sure how to use this but it's so simple. You literally put your tea leaves in the infuser and then rest the red silicone bits over the edge of your mug and the water in your mug surrounds the infuser and the tea slowly leaks into the water making your tea over the course of a few minutes.

I'm very glad they thought to send one of these otherwise I'd have struggled! 

Get one here!

Tea Mug

How BEAUTIFUL is this mug???? I LOVE the pattern! It looks great in my kitchen and I have it out on display so people can always see it. 
I feel like this would be great for iced tea so that is what I'm going to be using it for. I haven't actually tested any of my teas iced yet but only because it's so cold outside and I'm currently battling with woman-flu. So much worse than the dreaded man flu.

I just think this will be so so perfect in summer at BBQ's and when my house turns into a bohemian paradise throughout the summer months. I feel like T2 know me well. Love, love, love it! Its also HUGE. The biggest mug that I own. This picture doesn't show the size particularly well but it really is a giant teacup.

I couldn't find this one online so I can't link it but check out their range of tea-ware here and have a browse, I highly recommend it, you'll be addicted in no time!!

My Teapot.

I wanted to save the best till last. This is just too amazing for words! It looks so good in my kitchen. We have an open plan living room / kitchen and my living room is very colourful and boho / hippy and so it kind of brings that element into the kitchen and I love it! 
It's a great size for when you have people over and everyone is drinking tea.
It's quite heavy too but you can tell it's just such great quality. I'm so scared to even touch it. 
A great conversation starter too. This is also on display and now when people ask about it I'll be able to recommend T2 to them and tell them all about their fantastic range of tea-ware and amazing flavours of tea!

Get this amazing piece here!

They also have a hugeeeee selection of truly stunning tea-ware on their site. I especially love the dazed and dazzled collection. I think one day I shall treat myself to the whole collection and I NEED to try the creme brulee tea!

Thank you all for reading and of course to T2 for this collaboration. I have discovered some fantastic products!

PS: I'm currently doing a collaboration with where we are giving away a whole bundle of jewellery to one lucky winner! Head over to my Instagram to enter! 

And you can also get 15% off with my code STACIE15.

You're welcome.

Much love, 

Disclaimer: I was sent these items free of charge in exchange for a review. All opinions are my 100% honest opinion. Any links to health benefits are just info I researched on Google, I am not claiming it to be true and T2 have never claimed their tea helps your health.

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1 comment

  1. Heyy great post, I might have to take a trip into a store. I'm interested to see if the sweet dreams would help me in someway as I am hypoglycemic and I'm struggling a lot lately :( Trying so hard to reduce coffee out of my routine and want to find something to swap it with. Thanks for the post hun! :) xx


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